Daily Archives: 12/27/2011

ASP.NET: Delete file from server after TransmitFile command

It’s a common scenario: user needs to download a file from the server by clicking link or a button in your ASPX page. The server-side code for this is pretty straightforward and looks something like this:

Sub DownloadFile(ByVal i_sServerPath As String, ByVal i_sDisplayName As String)
   Dim oFile As FileInfo = New FileInfo(i_sServerPath)

   With Response
      .AddHeader("Content-Length", oFile.Length.ToString())
      .ContentType = ReturnContentType(oFile.Extension.ToLower())
      .AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & i_sDisplayName)
   End With

End Sub

The code accepts 2 parameters: i_sServerPath – full path to the file on the server and i_sDisplayName – file name that will be displayed to the user in the “Save As” dialog. Code also populates response headers based on file information. I use this handy function to populate ContentType based on file extention:

Function ReturnContentType(ByVal i_sfileExtension As String) As String
   Select Case i_sfileExtension
      Case ".htm", ".html", ".log" : Return "text/HTML"
      Case ".txt" : Return "text/plain"
      Case ".doc" : Return "application/ms-word"
      Case ".tiff", ".tif" : Return "image/tiff"
      Case ".asf" : Return "video/x-ms-asf"
      Case ".avi" : Return "video/avi"
      Case ".zip" : Return "application/zip"
      Case ".xls", ".csv" : Return "application/vnd.ms-excel"
      Case ".gif" : Return "image/gif"
      Case ".jpg", "jpeg" : Return "image/jpeg"
      Case ".bmp" : Return "image/bmp"
      Case ".wav" : Return "audio/wav"
      Case ".mp3" : Return "audio/mpeg3"
      Case ".mpg", "mpeg" : Return "video/mpeg"
      Case ".rtf" : Return "application/rtf"
      Case ".asp" : Return "text/asp"
      Case ".pdf" : Return "application/pdf"
      Case ".fdf" : Return "application/vnd.fdf"
      Case ".ppt" : Return "application/mspowerpoint"
      Case ".dwg" : Return "image/vnd.dwg"
      Case ".msg" : Return "application/msoutlook"
      Case ".xml", ".sdxl" : Return "application/xml"
      Case ".xdp" : Return "application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml"
      Case Else : Return "application/octet-stream"
   End Select
End Function

It’s all good, but what if you need to delete the file from the server immediately after user downloaded it? Continue reading →