Daily Archives: 04/04/2015

Universal access to Pebble framebuffer on Basalt and Aplite via coordinates

Rotate Effect on Aplite In my previous post I described how you can access framebuffer of Pebble screen via familiar X,Y coordinates. To reiterate: you capture framebuffer as a bitmap, and access bitmap as 2-dimentional matrix:

#define WINDOW_WIDTH 144
GBitmap *fb = graphics_capture_frame_buffer(ctx);
uint8_t (*fb_matrix)[WINDOW_WIDTH] = (uint8_t (*)[WINDOW_WIDTH]) gbitmap_get_data(fb);

After that you can access specific pixel on the screen via coordinates, e.g. fb_matrix[120][60] will represent pixel and coordinates Y = 120, X = 60

This works fine on Pebble Time (Basalt platform) where every pixel represented by a byte. But what about classic Pebble (I think this term is becoming quite popular, but to avoid confusion I will call it Aplite platform). On Aplite every byte in the framebuffer represent 8 pixels and the above approach doesn’t work.

Fortunately there’s a universal solution.
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