Tag Archives: stack overflow

How to receive Stack Overflow notifications on your phone and smartwatch

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As you may have gathered I am a frequent participant of Stack Overflow Q&A board for coders. On that site everytime somebody responds to your question or comments – a notification is displayed in the status bar. Ditto when your reputation points change.

I became curious whether I could receive these modifications on my phone. Stack Exchange released their own application on Google Play store that does send push notifications when a reply is received, but no notifications on reputation changes. Also it’s still a little rough around the edges and besides I realized I didn’t want a full blown Stack Overflow application (when I do use SO for questions/answers I prefer the full site on my laptop). There should be another way. Continue reading →

ADO.NET DataTable: Change Column DataType after table is populated with data

Sometimes there is a need to change DataType of ADO.NET DataTable column. If your table is populated as a result of some database operation – you don’t know in advance what type the columns will be. And by design you cannot change the type of the column after the table is populated. Conudrum. Catch 22. Tough luck.

But wait, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. You cannot change the type of the existing column, but you can create a new one. Continue reading →