Monthly Archives: October 2011

WHDG: RowIslandsPopulating event fires multiple times

I’ve been successfully using manual load on demand in WebHierarchicalDataGrid for a while now, but recently noticed strange thing. The deeper in grid’s hierarchy I expanded the children – the slower it went.

In my case every time user clicks [+] to expand a row, VB.NET code calls an SQL Server Stored procedure to bring in child rows. I grew suspicious and fired up SQL Profiler. What I saw surprised me. Number of calls to the stored procedure increased the deeper in grid’s hierarchy I expanded the children. When I clicked [+] on the root level it resulted in 1 SP call. Clicking [+] on the child to expand grandchild – 2 calls. Expanding grandchild to see grand-grandchild rows – 3 calls, etc. Continue reading →

onbeforeunload event is fired on click

onbeforeunload browser’s event fires when the window is about to navigate to another page or about to be closed. So why why would it fire when you click to call a JavaScript function that does neither of the two?

If your have your click setup similar to something like this:

<a href='javascript:doStuff()'>Click to do something</a>

or, if you’re using ASP.NET’s HyperLink control:

<asp:HyperLink ID="xhypMuLink" runat="server" NavigateURL="javascript:doStuff()">
   Click to do something

And your “doStuff()” function doesn’t redirect or closes the window – you’d expect it just do its stuff and that’s it. But in addition to it, or rather before it onbeforeunload event fires, so if you have some code in the event handler – it will be executed, which in this case is undesirable.

Why does it happen? Continue reading →

WebHierarchicalDataGrid: Extra Row after Update

If after upgrading to a new version of Infragistics NetAdvantage you suddenly found your WHDG sprouting an extra blank row on top:

Extra Row in Aikido WHDG

most likely it’s because grid’s ItemCssClass property is used. In theory (at least according to ever so verbose documentation) it should define what grid’s cells look like. In practice it have no effect whatsoever. Or rather had no effect until upgrade (verified in version 2011.1, perhaps even earlier). Now if your CSS class used in this property contains HEIGHT attribute – a blank row of that height will be inserted on top of the grid.

Solution? Remove ItemCssClass property. It’s useless anyway.

UltraWebGrid: “Invalid Argument” error after upgrade

One would think that classic UltraWebGrid control would not be touched by 2010+ Infragistics NetAdvantage upgrades, perhaps some bugs would be fixed, but definitely no new ones should be introduced – since no new development is done on the control.

One would be mistaken, The Adventure Of Upgrading liveth on.

If you’re using UltraWebGrid, and its columns’ width is set as a percentage and some columns are hidden, e.g. you have something like this:

<igtbl:UltraGridColumn Key="COL1" Width="25%" Hidden="True">
   <Header Caption="My Important Column"></Header>

And you try to unhide the column in client-side JavaScript code like this:

var oBand = igtbl_getGridById('xMyGrid').Bands[0];

You will get an error: Invalid argument deep in the jungle of Infragistics JavaScript code. What the?! It worked fine before the upgrade! Continue reading →

WebDataMenu: Incorrect displaying after upgrade

This is the second post in saga titled Upgrading Infragistics Controls to a new version. Chances are that your WebDataMenu looks weird after upgrade to 2010+ version. In my case the menu had following options/features:

  • It was a context popup menu, called on right mouse click
  • Text of menu items was assigned dynamically at runtime in JavaScript Client code

After upgrading NetAdvantage from version 2009.2 to 2011.1 strange things started to happen. Text of the menu items was cut short, submenues appeared at wrong places it looked like something from a Dali’s painting.
Numerous experiments later I found out that the problem was with EnableScrolling property of the menu control. Setting it to False returned menu to realm of realism.

WebHierarchicalDataGrid: JavaScript errors after upgrade

Upgrading 3rd party library to a new version is bound to have problems and Infragistics is no exception. In my case I was upgrading NetAdvantage for ASP.NET from version 2009.2 to to 20011.1 and right away WebHierarchicalDataGrid started to crash client-side. If ScriptManager was in debug mode I’d get error:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ArgumentUndefinedException: Value cannot be undefined.Parameter name: type

With ScriptManager in Release mode it’d be:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected

But always in Sys.Component.Create – it looked like grid’s client-side scripts weren’t loading at all. After A LOT of digging I found out that the culprit was grid’s server-side Bands.Clear() method. When called, it caused client-side WHDG JavaScript not to load. When that method was commented – JavaScript errors disappeared. So until Infragistics comes out with a bug fix – if you experience similar problem, try to avoid Bands.Clear() method.