Daily Archives: 10/05/2011

WebHierarchicalDataGrid: JavaScript errors after upgrade

Upgrading 3rd party library to a new version is bound to have problems and Infragistics is no exception. In my case I was upgrading NetAdvantage for ASP.NET from version 2009.2 to to 20011.1 and right away WebHierarchicalDataGrid started to crash client-side. If ScriptManager was in debug mode I’d get error:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ArgumentUndefinedException: Value cannot be undefined.Parameter name: type

With ScriptManager in Release mode it’d be:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected

But always in Sys.Component.Create – it looked like grid’s client-side scripts weren’t loading at all. After A LOT of digging I found out that the culprit was grid’s server-side Bands.Clear() method. When called, it caused client-side WHDG JavaScript not to load. When that method was commented – JavaScript errors disappeared. So until Infragistics comes out with a bug fix – if you experience similar problem, try to avoid Bands.Clear() method.