Daily Archives: 10/11/2011

UltraWebGrid: “Invalid Argument” error after upgrade

One would think that classic UltraWebGrid control would not be touched by 2010+ Infragistics NetAdvantage upgrades, perhaps some bugs would be fixed, but definitely no new ones should be introduced – since no new development is done on the control.

One would be mistaken, The Adventure Of Upgrading liveth on.

If you’re using UltraWebGrid, and its columns’ width is set as a percentage and some columns are hidden, e.g. you have something like this:

<igtbl:UltraGridColumn Key="COL1" Width="25%" Hidden="True">
   <Header Caption="My Important Column"></Header>

And you try to unhide the column in client-side JavaScript code like this:

var oBand = igtbl_getGridById('xMyGrid').Bands[0];

You will get an error: Invalid argument deep in the jungle of Infragistics JavaScript code. What the?! It worked fine before the upgrade! Continue reading →