Infragistics UltraWebGrid offers rich client-side programming model, but often it can be extremally slow. As an example consider a simple task: Given a particular Row ID hide the rest of the grid rows, keeping only this row visible.
Using UltraWebGrid’s CSOM (Client Side Object Model) JavaScript code looks like this:
var oGrid = igtbl_getGridById('xMyGrid'); // Get reference to grid object for (var sRowID in oGrid.Rows) { // Looping thru all rows in grid's rows collection if (sRowID != sSelectedRowID) { // If current row ID is not given ID igtbl_getRowById(sRowID).setHidden(true) // Get reference to row and hide it } }
The code works – it really does. But to loop thru 50 rows in this manner can take 10-15 seconds, not something your user will be happy about when instant action is expected.
Now let’s revise the above code a little:
var oTable = igtbl_getGridById('xMyGrid').Element; // Get reference to grid's TABLE for (var I = 0; I < oTable.rows.length; I++) { // Looping thru all rows in HTML Table if (oTable.rows[I].id != sSelectedRowID) { // If current row ID is not given ID oTable.rows[I].style.display = 'none' // hide HTML Table row } }
Because the second code block doesn’t have to jump thru hoops of Infragistics JS library (direct row reference instead of loaded igtbl_getRowById, simple CSS instead of setHidden) it only takes fraction of a second to execute.
This example shows, that using Document Object Model instead of Infragistics Object Model can give you a tremendous performance boost. This replacement is not always possible, but when it is – the effect is amazing.
In my case the performance turned to be normal changing this setting in IE8:
Under “Tools” select “Compatibility view settings”. Then UNCHECK “Display intranet sites in Compatibility View”.
It seems that this “Compatibility View” generated Incompatibility…
The reason it didn’t happen while I was debugging was that it used the Visual Studio development server, on my own machine, thus, I wasn’t accessing the intranet.
I hope it helps.
I’ve found a better workarount to FORCE IE to not activate the compatibility mode: simply add this in the head section of your webpages (between the minus than and the greater than symbols) :
meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=EmulateIE8″
@Roger You can do even better:
meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=Edge″
This will force IE to render to whatever latest engine is available IE9, IE10 etc.
.. On a completely unrelated topic – thanks for pointing out that comments were redirecting to login, I didn’t realize that. Should be fixed now.