CDK documentation states that if you supply stack name(s) to CLI commands like cdk synth
, cdk list
, or cdk deploy
– it will synthesize only the stacks you requested. But in reality this is not the case, CDK will always synthesize all stacks – and it may lead to unintended consequences.
Let’s say you have following stack declarations in your lib/my-stacks.ts
import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib'; export class Stack1 extends cdk.Stack {}; export class Stack2 extends cdk.Stack {}; export class AnotherStack extends cdk.Stack {}; export class YerAnotherStack extends cdk.Stack {};
And in your app’s entry point bin/my-stacks.ts
you instantiate those stacks:
import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib'; import * as stacks from '../lib/my-stacks' const app = new cdk.App(); new stacks.Stack1(app, "Stack1"); new stacks.Stack2(app, "Stack2"); new stacks.AnotherStack(app, "AnotherStack"); new stacks.YerAnotherStack(app, "YetAnotherStack");
And then issue a CLI command to synthesize stacks, but you only want to synthesize “Stack1” and “AnotherStack”: Continue reading →