Monthly Archives: March 2023

Synthesize only stacks you need in CDK

CDK documentation states that if you supply stack name(s) to CLI commands like cdk synth, cdk list, or cdk deploy – it will synthesize only the stacks you requested. But in reality this is not the case, CDK will always synthesize all stacks – and it may lead to unintended consequences.

Let’s say you have following stack declarations in your lib/my-stacks.ts code:

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
export class Stack1 extends cdk.Stack {};
export class Stack2 extends cdk.Stack {};
export class AnotherStack extends cdk.Stack {};
export class YerAnotherStack extends cdk.Stack {};

And in your app’s entry point bin/my-stacks.ts you instantiate those stacks:

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as stacks from '../lib/my-stacks'
const app = new cdk.App();
new stacks.Stack1(app, "Stack1");
new stacks.Stack2(app, "Stack2");
new stacks.AnotherStack(app, "AnotherStack");
new stacks.YerAnotherStack(app, "YetAnotherStack");

And then issue a CLI command to synthesize stacks, but you only want to synthesize “Stack1” and “AnotherStack”: Continue reading →

Enable ActivityPub Plugin on Bitnami WordPress instance with LetsEncrypt

ActivityPub plugin is a very cool piece of WordPress addition. With this plugin installed users of Mastodon and other such federated platforms that support ActivityPub can follow your blog as if it were another instance on the Fediverse.

Unfortunately if you run a Bitnami instance of WordPress (for example one provided by AWS LightSail with LetsEncrypt service providing a TLS certificate for you site – you may encounter an incompatibility issue. LetsEncrypt uses /.well-known/acme-challenge path on your site for certificate validation, but ActivityPub plugin uses /.well-known/webfinger path to return relevant profile information. It conflicts with LetsEncrypt and the WebFinger path returns “404 – not found”.

Fortunately there is an easy fix. Continue reading →

Wait for AWS region to become available

AWS CLI has a nifty useful command to enable/opt-in a region on your account – account enable-region e.g.

aws account enable-region --region-name af-south-1

There is a caveat though – this command only begins to enable the region. The process could take a while, but the command exits right away. But what if you need do something with the region when it becomes available? Say you’re running a script and you need to bootstrap the region when its enabled. You need some way to wait for the enablement to finish. Luckily there is another AWS CLI command that lets you check the status of the region – ec2 describe-regions, e.g.

aws ec2 describe-regions --region-names af-south-1

One of the properties it return is whether the region is enabled/opted-in or not. Combining this with a little of bash magic – we can come up with a waiting routine:

aws account enable-region --region-name af-south-state=not-opted-in
until [ "$state" = "opted-in" ]
   echo Waiting for af-south-1...
   sleep 5
   state=$(aws ec2 describe-regions --region-names af-south-1 --query "Regions[0].OptInStatus" --output text)

Here on the Line 1 we execute command that initiates enabling region. And the rest is a loop: wait 5 seconds, and check the status of the region. Loop exits when the status becomes “opted-in”. At this point we know that the region has been enabled, and can proceed with using it.

CDK pipeline won’t restart after mutation

CDK Pipeline is a clever construct that makes continuously deploying your application and infrastructure super easy. The pipeline even has the ability to update itself or “mutate” if your commits include changes to the pipeline itself. This behavior is controlled by selfMutation property of the pipeline constructor and is true by default. Once the pipeline updates itself – it also restarts itself, so that new changes can take effect.

But if you create your CDK pipeline with regular AWS Pipeline as a base e.g.

const rawPipeline = new Pipeline(this, 'RawPipeline', {
const pipeline = new CodePipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {
   codePipeline: rawPipeline,

suddenly the pipeline won’t auto-restart after the mutation. What is happening? Continue reading →