Monthly Archives: August 2014

Compare 2 source files and add difference to 3rd

Beyond Compare 3-way merge

Sometimes when you patch or update your current version of software there is a need to apply the same changes to a previous version. Ordinary it’s a pain – you need to painstakingly determine which changes from the current source should go to previous version (because current source has changed a lot, new features added etc).

Enter Beyond Compare – coolest tool to do all kind of compassion. One of the best features – “3 way merge”. It allows you to compare 2 files and apply the difference to 3rd.

In our case here is what it can do:

  • Select new patched version of source file and compare it to old unpatched version
  • In menu select “Session –> Merge Files” – a middle pane appears that allows you to select 3rd file
  • In the middle tab select new unpatched version

That’s it! Beyond Compare will compare new patched and new unpatched version. If there’s a difference – those lines will be applied to old unpatched version. Otherwise if both new versions are the same – old version keeps it lines, even though they’re different from new version.

It’s all performed automatically all you have to do in the bottom pane (where merge result appear) select the filename to save to and hit “Save”

How to search for Pebble app/watchface on the web

Pebble smartwatch has a pretty good appstore that is accessible from the official app on your phone. But sometimes I want just to search for the app on the Web (big browser, keyboard/mouse – you know). Fortunately it is possible:

Pebble Google Search

Just enter “” in your google search in addition to search terms and you will be able to get direct links to Pebble apps/watchfaces in the app store.

Pebble direct appstore link

Of course this has limited use at the moment – you can scroll thru app screenshots, read the description and that’s about it. Ideally this would behave same way as Google Play store does – allow me to install the app from the web directly to registered device.

Your move, Pebble.

Infragistics WebDataMenu delayed resizing in Chrome

I encountered weird issue using Infragistics ASP.NET WebDataMenu control. If total width of top-level items was bigger than menu’s width and scrolling kicked in – Google Chrome browser produces unexpected results.

Consider following basic markup for Infragistics WebDataMenu:

<ig:WebDataMenu ID="WebDataMenu1" runat="server" Width="300px">
   <ClientEvents Initialize="myInit" />
   <GroupSettings Orientation="Horizontal" />
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>

It’s a pretty basic markup that defines 10-item horizontal menu with a limited width, so scrolling is enabled. Code in the Initialize event handler would handle some calculation based on menu dimensions and other items on the page would be affected by these calculations. Continue reading →