Author Archives: yomgal

Fire on High or Framebuffer in Rocky.js

First things first. DISCLAMER: Everything described here is a hack upon a crude hack and most likely, barring a divine intervention, won’t work in final product. And I apologize in advance to Pebble dev team if my attempts at “hacking” seem silly. Now to business. Pebble SDK offers very cool framebuffer API that allows developers to address display memory of the watch directly. This makes possible creation of many cool special effects (matter of fact EffectLayer library uses framebuffer extensively).
Rocky.js is JavaScript incarnation of Pebble SDK and it made me wonder whether it offers framebuffer access. Turned out it is hidden, but it’s there. At least at the latest commit at the time of this article it is. If you take a look at source file html-bindings.js you will see that binding function looks something like this:

Rocky.bindCanvas = function(canvas, options) {
  var framebufferPixels = new Uint8Array(module.HEAPU8.buffer,
                                         canvasW * canvasH);


  var binding = {



  return binding;

Continue reading →

Sideload APKs directly from your phone to FireTV/FireStick

ADP If you’re joining a grown crowd of cordcutters (people who disconnect their Cable TV services) you’re not a stranger to streaming. Devices like Roku and Chromecast go a long way to provide all your TV shows and movies need.

Amazon Fire TV and Fire Stick are the latest additions to the streaming gadgets. One advantage they have over other devices they run Android (albeit heavily modified). This gives you ability to install (sideload) ordinary Android apps onto these gadgets. There’re multiple tutorials on how to do it from desktop computers, but you have to download apps APKs onto desktop. Wouldn’t it be easier if you could do this directly from your phone?
Continue reading →

WriteEndObject of JSON.NET ouptuts NULL literal

JSON.NET is a very popular framework to process JSON data in .NET. We recently upgraded from v4 to v6 and noticed strange thing it started to output null to JSON strings created by JsonTextWriter object.

For example if JSON produced by v4 would look like this:

{"param1":"value1", "param2":"value2",
"someArray":[{"arrParam1": "arrValue1"}, {"arrParam2": "arrValue2"}]}

Same code, using v6, would prodcuce

{"param1":"value1", "param2":"value2",
"someArray":[{"arrParam1": "arrValue1"}, {"arrParam2": "arrValue2"}]null}

that extra “null” makes it invalid and unusable JSON.

The .NET function to create JSON writes it into a StringBuilder and is pretty straighforward.

  1. It starts with call to WriteStartObject method of JsonTextWriter
  2. Then it creates parameter name via WritePropertyName
  3. Depending on whether primitive value or raw string needs to be written WriteValue or WriteRaw methods are used respectfully
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed
  5. Call to WriteEndObjectto finish writing.

This worked perfectly well when version 4 of Newtonsoft.Json.dll was used. After upgrading to version 6 last method – “WriteEndObject” began to output “null” to resulting JSON.

The solution is to use WriteRawValue method instead of WriteRaw – it still outputs raw string, but at the end WriteEndObject doesn’t output “null” anymore.

Infragistics WebDataMenu delayed resizing in Chrome

I encountered weird issue using Infragistics ASP.NET WebDataMenu control. If total width of top-level items was bigger than menu’s width and scrolling kicked in – Google Chrome browser produces unexpected results.

Consider following basic markup for Infragistics WebDataMenu:

<ig:WebDataMenu ID="WebDataMenu1" runat="server" Width="300px">
   <ClientEvents Initialize="myInit" />
   <GroupSettings Orientation="Horizontal" />
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>
      <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"></ig:DataMenuItem>

It’s a pretty basic markup that defines 10-item horizontal menu with a limited width, so scrolling is enabled. Code in the Initialize event handler would handle some calculation based on menu dimensions and other items on the page would be affected by these calculations. Continue reading →

Infragistics WebDataMenu flashes unexpected color on hover

Infragistics WebDataMenu ASP.NET control comes both with predefined stylesets and allows you granularly overwrite any of the styles. For example definition like this

<ig:WebDataMenu ID="xmyMenu" runat="server" StyleSetName="Office2007Blue"
                 CssClass ="topMenuStyle" >
   <GroupSettings Orientation="Horizontal" />
   <ItemSettings CssClass="itemCssStyle" 
                 SelectedCssClass="selectedCssStyle" />  

will create a horizontal dropdown menu in default “Office 2007 Blue” styleset but allows you to overwrite individual styles via exposed CSS properties.

Let’s take a look at hover style. Continue reading →

WebHierarchicalDataGrid binds to data twice

Infragistics WebHierarchicalDataGrid offers a nice ability to custom load-on-demand data via its ContainerGridDataBinding event. It is very useful during paging or displaying grid children – you can make a DB call and provide data a just needed for current page or child.

But it has a drawback – if you need to programmaticaly sort the grid by manipulating SortedColumns collection – grid thinks it needs to rebind the data and is calling ContainerGridDataBinding event handler again thus making it execute DB call again – which is redundant and may hinder performance. In a typical scenario you have your binding code:

Protected Sub xmyGrid_ContainerGridDataBinding(sender As Object, e As GridControls.DataBindingEventArgs) Handles xmyGrid.ContainerGridDataBinding
   e.Cancel = True
   e.DataSource = MakeDbCallToGetCurrentData()
   e.SelectArguments.TotalRowCount = iTotalNumberOfRecords
End Sub

and somewhere else add sorting

Protected Sub xmyGrid_PreRender(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles xmyGrid.PreRender
   xmyGrid.Behaviors.Sorting.SortedColumns.Add(sCol1Key, SortDirection.Ascending)
   xmyGrid.Behaviors.Sorting.SortedColumns.Add(sCol2Key, SortDirection.Descending)
End Sub

Sorting code in the second event handler is causing grid to perform second call to ContainerGridDataBinding. The solution is to move sorting code inside of ContainerGridDataBinding handler:

Protected Sub xmyGrid_ContainerGridDataBinding(sender As Object, e As GridControls.DataBindingEventArgs) Handles xmyGrid.ContainerGridDataBinding
   e.Cancel = True
   e.DataSource = MakeDbCallToGetCurrentData()
   e.SelectArguments.TotalRowCount = iTotalNumberOfRecords

   xmyGrid.Behaviors.Sorting.SortedColumns.Add(sCol1Key, SortDirection.Ascending)
   xmyGrid.Behaviors.Sorting.SortedColumns.Add(sCol2Key, SortDirection.Descending)
End Sub

Since at this point grid already bound to data – columns are already available. And since we’re inside of ContainerGridDataBinding – the call to it is not repeated.

Style IFRAME scrollbars in IE

Internet Explorer offer CSS elements to style scrollbars, for example class

   scrollbar-face-color: #f0f0f0;
   scrollbar-shadow-color: silver;
   scrollbar-highlight-color: silver;
   scrollbar-3dlight-color: #f0f0f0;
   scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #f0f0f0; 
   scrollbar-track-color: #f0f0f0;
   scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000;

applied to a DOM element will render nice flat scrollbars:

Flat Scrollbars in Internet Explorer

Yes, it’s not standard CSS, but other browsers offer similar extensions (WebKit, I am looking at you). So, it works nice and well, but what if you want to style scrollbars of an IFRAME? Continue reading →

Correctly apply external styles to UltraWebGrid

Classic Infragistics UltraWebGrid allows you to programmaticaly specify CSS styles for its various elements. For example code like this:

xmyGrid.DisplayLayout.HeaderStyleDefault.CssClass = "HeaderStyle"
xmyGrid.DisplayLayout.RowStyleDefault.CssClass = "RowStyle"

Would set style of grid header and rows via external CSS class. You would expect that simple defining classes like this:

.HeaderStyle {  /* style definition goes here */ }
.RowStyle {  /* style definition goes here */ }

should do the trick, but you may experience some unwanted, erratic behavior: styles getting lost, styles getting mixed up (row would get a header style and vise versa).

To fix this we should let grid know that header style should apply only to header row (THEAD/TH HTML elements) and row style applies only to rows with data (TBODY/TD elements). This is done via slight adjustments of the above CSS to point it to specific elements:

THEAD.HeaderStyle TR TH{  /* style definition goes here */ }
TBODY.RowStyle TR TD {  /* style definition goes here */ }

This way there’s no confusion, styles apply exactly were they belong. Also you may need to set grids MergeStyles property to False and make each class fully define it’s element (including fonts, colors, backgrounds etc.)

ASP.NET: Delete file from server after TransmitFile command

It’s a common scenario: user needs to download a file from the server by clicking link or a button in your ASPX page. The server-side code for this is pretty straightforward and looks something like this:

Sub DownloadFile(ByVal i_sServerPath As String, ByVal i_sDisplayName As String)
   Dim oFile As FileInfo = New FileInfo(i_sServerPath)

   With Response
      .AddHeader("Content-Length", oFile.Length.ToString())
      .ContentType = ReturnContentType(oFile.Extension.ToLower())
      .AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & i_sDisplayName)
   End With

End Sub

The code accepts 2 parameters: i_sServerPath – full path to the file on the server and i_sDisplayName – file name that will be displayed to the user in the “Save As” dialog. Code also populates response headers based on file information. I use this handy function to populate ContentType based on file extention:

Function ReturnContentType(ByVal i_sfileExtension As String) As String
   Select Case i_sfileExtension
      Case ".htm", ".html", ".log" : Return "text/HTML"
      Case ".txt" : Return "text/plain"
      Case ".doc" : Return "application/ms-word"
      Case ".tiff", ".tif" : Return "image/tiff"
      Case ".asf" : Return "video/x-ms-asf"
      Case ".avi" : Return "video/avi"
      Case ".zip" : Return "application/zip"
      Case ".xls", ".csv" : Return "application/"
      Case ".gif" : Return "image/gif"
      Case ".jpg", "jpeg" : Return "image/jpeg"
      Case ".bmp" : Return "image/bmp"
      Case ".wav" : Return "audio/wav"
      Case ".mp3" : Return "audio/mpeg3"
      Case ".mpg", "mpeg" : Return "video/mpeg"
      Case ".rtf" : Return "application/rtf"
      Case ".asp" : Return "text/asp"
      Case ".pdf" : Return "application/pdf"
      Case ".fdf" : Return "application/vnd.fdf"
      Case ".ppt" : Return "application/mspowerpoint"
      Case ".dwg" : Return "image/vnd.dwg"
      Case ".msg" : Return "application/msoutlook"
      Case ".xml", ".sdxl" : Return "application/xml"
      Case ".xdp" : Return "application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml"
      Case Else : Return "application/octet-stream"
   End Select
End Function

It’s all good, but what if you need to delete the file from the server immediately after user downloaded it? Continue reading →