WebDataGrid: Custom drag and drop columns when Colum Moving behavior is enabled

Infragistics Aikido WebDataGrid offers a nice built-in ColumnMoving behavior. When enabled – it allows user to drag columns to change their order:

WebDataGrid with ColumnMoving behavior enabled

But what if you want to keep this behavior and add your own custom column drag-and-drop? For example to create your own column grouping, since WebHierarchicalDataGrid doesn’t handle grouping well.

In this post I will describe a simple technique how to both keep behavior shown above and implement custom column drag-and-drop:

WebDataGrid with custom column drag-and-drop
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WebHierarchicalDataGrid: Not ready for prime-time

I had high hopes for Infragistics Web Hierarchical Data Grid control. Especially in NetAdvantage 10.3 release (current as of this post). Control from Aikido Framework, build on AJAX from ground up, lightweight and fast – I was really excited.

Unfortunately it didn’t turned out exactly as I expected.

First – WHDG cannot bind to a flat ADO.NET data table. Why, you ask, I need to bind flat data to an hierarchical control? Well, it’s the only grid in Aikido that supports OutlookGroupBy mode and I need to be able to group my flat data. But attempt to bind WHDG to DataTable throws an enigmatic InvalidOperationException without giving any clue as why. There’s a workaround – to create a dummy DataSet, add the table to it and bind control to the dataset – but that’s just silly. And that’s not the worst of it. Continue reading →

Locate exact match using UltraWebGrid’s client-side “.find()” method

Infragistics UltraWebGrid offers extensive client-side Object model and objects at several level of hierarchy offer “.find” method to locate cell with specific data. For example to locate a cell with specific text in a specific column – following code can be used:

//Find cell in first grid column with text "67" 
var oGrid = igtbl_getGridById('xmyGrid')
var iLookUpValue = '67'
var oFoundCell =  oGrid.Bands[0].Columns[0].find(iLookUpValue, false)

This works, but unfortunately the “.find” method searches for cell’s text instead of value, thus finding any partial match. In the example above cells with values 567, 671 etc. will be found which is no good in many cases, for example when you’re looking for a numeric ID.

Fortunately the “.find” method accepts regular expression as a search parameter. The solution is to apply “^…$” RegEx expression to perform exact match. So if we change the last line in the code above to:

var oFoundCell =  oGrid.Bands[0].Columns[0].find('^' + iLookUpValue + '$', false)

only exact match will be searched for.

Custom grouping in classic Infragistics UltraWebGrid

Infragistics UltraWebGrid offers a nice grouping feature: when the grid is in OutlookGroupBy mode, you can group similar data with very little coding required, you can go from this view:
Before Grouping
to this:
After Grouping
by just dragging columns to designated area.

But what if you want to group by first letter of a name or a year of a date? New WebHierarchicalDataGrid control offers this functionality after 10.2 release of Infragistics NetAdvantage, but if you invested years of work in classic UltraWebGrid – it’s not easy to move to a brand new control cold turkey. There’re other methods that offer custom grouping for UltraWebGrid, but the ones I found were pretty convoluted (like create a hidden column, populate it with data to group by etc.) Here is a simpler approach. Continue reading →

Error using Crystal Reports 2008 in ASP.NET application on 64bit server

If you’re using Crystal Reports 2008 in your ASP.NET application, and after deploying to a 64bit server getting following error:

An error has occurred while attempting to load the Crystal Reports runtime. Either the Crystal Reports registry key permissions are insufficient, or the Crystal Reports runtime is not installed correctly. Please install the appropriate Crystal Reports redistributable (CRRedist*.msi) containing the correct version of the Crystal Reports runtime (x86, x64, or Itanium) required. Please go to http://www.businessobjects.com/support for more information.

then switch your application to 32bit mode. In case of Windows 2003/IIS6 entire server will have to be switched, in case of Windows 2008/IIS7 a dedicated 32bit application pool can be established for your application.

Ultrawebgrid: Highlight row on MouseOver with Selection enabled

A while back I posted a method to highlight rows on mouse over in Infragistics UltraWebGrid. Over the time turned out that it had several limitations the main being: if you enable additional styling for some elements of the grid, they’re not preserved after mouse-over/mouse-out events. For example if you set a SelectedRowStyleDefault property with a different background and then move mouse over a selected row – that style will be removed.

So, here’s a complete solution to work around that limitation: Continue reading →

LightGray in IE6

IE6 just won’t die. I know, continue to support it is a bad idea, but unfortunately many developers have no choice, some environments, especially corporate intranet will continue to use it until second coming (and then Safari will rule the world).

So, here is a small tip: If you need to use a named color from CSS3+ specification that old tired browser doesn’t understand – just use color’s hex equivalent instead. For example instead of

style="border: solid 1px LightGray;"

which will do nothing in IE6 use

style="border: solid 1px #d3d3d3;"

which will render nice light-gray border.

UltraWebGrid does not display last column’s right border (solution)

If you’re using Infragistics UltraWebGrid and experienced an odd behavior where the grid does not display the right-most vertical border line – there’s a workaround.

By default 2 elements contribute to the grid border – border from RowStyleDefault property and border from FrameStyle property. For some reason IE6/7 (yes, some people still use those) do not render the right border of the last column, even though all 3 properties (BorderColor, BorderStyle and BorderWidth) are set. So the solution is to have FrameStyle lend that border:

  1. Expand RowStyleDefault -> BorderDetails property and set StyleRight to None – this is done, so the double border won’t render in IE8 and other browsers where the border is displayed correctly in the first place
  2. Expand FrameStyle -> BorderDetails property and set ColorRight, StyleRight and WidthRight properties to the desired color, style and width (e.g. LightGray, Solid, 1px)

As a result, the right border is displayed correctly in all versions of IE.

JavaScript IsDate(): Validate date according browser locale

In one of my recent projects I needed to validate whether user’s input is a valid date, and this needed to be done client-side, in browser prior submission to the server. Lazy as I am, I Googled for a ready-to-use code snippet. There’re plenty of versions out there, but most of them offer incomplete solution and none of them take into account browser locale, you know – the language settings:

So I decided to cook something of my own Continue reading →