Monthly Archives: April 2013

Access your PC files remotely via SkyDrive on mobile device

If you use Microsoft Skydrive application on your Windows machine, you know that besides syncing local dedicated Skydrive folder to the cloud it allows accessing your PC files directly (without uploading them to the cloud) from remote location. Unfortunately this feature is available for desktops only, mobile apps are “by design” missing it.

But what prevents you from logging into Skydrive Website directly from a mobile Web browser?

Skydrive In Mobile Chrome

After authorizing yourself with security code you’re in! Albeit this is not as convenient as a native app would be, but until “design” changes this approach allows you to access your PC’s files without installing any additional software on the PC and without downloading any additional app to the device.

Solution for WebHierarchicalDataGrid’s “Async request failed” error

This is a solution for specific (and maybe somewhat obscure, but it helped me, so perhaps it will be helpful to someone else) scenario for Infragistics’ WebHierarchicalDataGrid error “Async request failed“.

It could be accompanied by inner errors

Failed to load viewstate. The control tree into which viewstate is being loaded must match the control tree that was used to save viewstate during the previous request

or more generic

Object Reference not set

In this particular scenario WHDG uses manual LoadOnDemand for to populate children (i.e. RowIslandPopulating event is used) and parent grid is sorted by one or more columns. Error is happening when attempting to expand second child or a grandchild. Continue reading →

WebDataMenu: Use your own hover

Infragistics WebDataMenu comes with variety of styles and lets you specify your own. At a very basic it allows you to specify styles for normal menu items and hovered menu items:

<ig:WebDataMenu ID="xwdmMyMenu" runat="server">
   <ItemSettings CssClass="MenuItem" HoverCssClass="MenuItemHover"/>

This markup can correspond to CSS classes, for example:

.MenuItem {


This works fine in most cases, but since the hover/unhover is done via JavaScript sometimes there’re issues. Continue reading →

FusionCharts: Invalid Data when using javascript renderer (solved)

If you’re using FusionCharts you may encounter a strange issue – chart renders correctly when Flash renderer is in use and displays “Invalid Data” error message when falling back (or forced) to JavaScript renderer.

In most cases culprit is invalid XML data passed to the engine. And while Flash is more forgiving, JavaScript requires strict valid XML. Most often the cause for the issue are characters invalid in XML. Check your data and if they contain following characters – replace them with their encoded values:

" (quote) --> &quot;
' (apostrophe) --> &apos;
< (less sign) --> &lt;
> (greater sign) --> &gt;
& (ampersand)  --> &amp;

And the error will disappear.

Happy charting!

Infragistics WebTab: Simulating SelectedIndexChanging event when programmaticaly changing tabs via set_selectedIndex

Infragistics WebTab control is very versatile and offers rich server- and client-side model. Among client-side events are

  • SelectedIndexChanged – fires after user has changed the tab to provide ways to interact with newly selected tab
  • SelectedIndexChanging – fires before user has changed the tab to provide ways to interact with currently selected tab and to give user a chance to cancel change.

Both work fine if user manually changes tabs by clicking on tab headers, but call to client-side set_selectedIndex() function (which changes tabs programmaticaly) only fires SelectedIndexChanged, skipping SelectedIndexChanging altogether. But there’s a way to make it work.
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