Category Archives: HTML/CSS

Partially hide external content with CSS overflow

If you ever hosted a content from external website in an IFRAME on your own site and wanted, for no reason whatsoever, to hide either top, bottom, left or right portion of that content – there’s an easy way.

Imaginge you have HTML markup like this:

<iframe frameborder="no" width="275" height="95" src="" />

It will display a pretty logo of some 3rd party company:

Now you got an idea to improve it a bit, by removing unneeded characters. Take a look at following markup:

<div style="width:275px;overflow:hidden">
   <div style="margin:0px 0px 0px -120px">
      <iframe frameborder="no" width="275" height="95"
      src="" />

Our IFRAME is now enclosed into 2 DIVs. Internal one shifts left margin of its content 120px into the content, and external one effectively hides everything outside the margins via hidden overflow. The result:

Of course the content doesn’t have to be IFRAME with external content, but if it’s internal to your site that means you have full control over it and don’t need to use this hack.

Absolute coordinates of element inside of IFRAME

Often there’s a need to determine absolute coordinates of an HTML element within a page, for example you need to display a popup menu on a button click at the button coordinates. Code for this is well known, here is one of the variations:

// Define class that will hold Object coordinates
function CTopLeft(i_nTop, i_nLeft) {
   this.nTop = i_nTop;
   this.nLeft = i_nLeft;

// Get Top, Left coordinates of a DOM element
function GetTopLeft(i_oElem) {
   var cTL = new CTopLeft(0, 0);
   var oElem = i_oElem;
   do {
      cTL.nLeft += oElem.offsetLeft;
      cTL.nTop += oElem.offsetTop;
      oElem = oElem.offsetParent;
   } while (oElem)
   return cTL;

This code is pretty straightforward: we’re looping thru all element’s ancestors, adding up each parent’s offsetTop and offsetLeft to get actual element coordinates.

This works well when your page is at the top level. But what if the page is inside of an IFRAME? Then the code above would give you coordinates of an element within the IFRAME window only. But what if you still need absolute coordinates of the element within browser window? Taking the example above – you need to display popup menu on the button clicked inside of IFRAME, but the menu can grow big and go outside of IFRAME boundaries. So the menu element need to be hosted outside of the IFRAME and coordinates need to be absolute withing browser window.

Let’s throw IFRAMEs into the mix: Continue reading →

Speed up UltraWebGrid with direct DOM access

Infragistics UltraWebGrid offers rich client-side programming model, but often it can be extremally slow. As an example consider a simple task: Given a particular Row ID hide the rest of the grid rows, keeping only this row visible.

Using UltraWebGrid’s CSOM (Client Side Object Model) JavaScript code looks like this:

var oGrid = igtbl_getGridById('xMyGrid');    // Get reference to grid object

for (var sRowID in oGrid.Rows) {   // Looping thru all rows in grid's rows collection

   if (sRowID != sSelectedRowID) {   // If current row ID is not given ID
      igtbl_getRowById(sRowID).setHidden(true) // Get reference to row and hide it


The code works – it really does. But to loop thru 50 rows in this manner can take 10-15 seconds, not something your user will be happy about when instant action is expected. Continue reading →

Style Rounded Corner images of UltraWebTab thru external stylesheet

Infragistics UltraWebTab control offers multiple styling options, many of them can be set via external CSS classes. As a matter of fact about only element you cannot style via external stylesheet is rounded corner images. Or can you?

By default images used to give the tabs rounded-corner look are referenced directly in UltraWebTab ASPX markup:


So, for example if SelectedImage looks like this:

Default Selected Image of UltraWebTab

It will give your tab appearance like this

Selected Image of UltraWebTab in action

Let’s examine it closer. Continue reading →

Style IFRAME scrollbars in IE

Internet Explorer offer CSS elements to style scrollbars, for example class

   scrollbar-face-color: #f0f0f0;
   scrollbar-shadow-color: silver;
   scrollbar-highlight-color: silver;
   scrollbar-3dlight-color: #f0f0f0;
   scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #f0f0f0; 
   scrollbar-track-color: #f0f0f0;
   scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000;

applied to a DOM element will render nice flat scrollbars:

Flat Scrollbars in Internet Explorer

Yes, it’s not standard CSS, but other browsers offer similar extensions (WebKit, I am looking at you). So, it works nice and well, but what if you want to style scrollbars of an IFRAME? Continue reading →

Correctly apply external styles to UltraWebGrid

Classic Infragistics UltraWebGrid allows you to programmaticaly specify CSS styles for its various elements. For example code like this:

xmyGrid.DisplayLayout.HeaderStyleDefault.CssClass = "HeaderStyle"
xmyGrid.DisplayLayout.RowStyleDefault.CssClass = "RowStyle"

Would set style of grid header and rows via external CSS class. You would expect that simple defining classes like this:

.HeaderStyle {  /* style definition goes here */ }
.RowStyle {  /* style definition goes here */ }

should do the trick, but you may experience some unwanted, erratic behavior: styles getting lost, styles getting mixed up (row would get a header style and vise versa).

To fix this we should let grid know that header style should apply only to header row (THEAD/TH HTML elements) and row style applies only to rows with data (TBODY/TD elements). This is done via slight adjustments of the above CSS to point it to specific elements:

THEAD.HeaderStyle TR TH{  /* style definition goes here */ }
TBODY.RowStyle TR TD {  /* style definition goes here */ }

This way there’s no confusion, styles apply exactly were they belong. Also you may need to set grids MergeStyles property to False and make each class fully define it’s element (including fonts, colors, backgrounds etc.)

UltraWebGrid TopItemSpacing=”Auto”: Solution for FireFox

If you’re still using classic Infragistics Controls and want to make them work in modern browsers, sometimes a little additional work is required. Hopefully this little trick will save you some time.

UltraWebGrid has a neat property TopItemSpacing, when set to Auto it automatically spreads top level menu items across the menu control, giving them nice spacing in between. Unfortunately this property seems to work in Internet Explorer only, in Firefox (and Chrome and etc.) it is ignored, rendering menu in Compact mode giving top level items crowded “too-close-for-comfort” look.

The solution is to take spacing in our own hands. Set TopItemSpacing to Compact and instead add right padding to TopLevelParentItemStyle and TopLevelLeafItemStyle elements of the menu. For example (from the markup point of view):

<TopLevelLeafItemStyle Cursor="Hand" Height="18px" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Size="8pt">
   <Padding Right="6px" />

Actual pixel value of the padding is up to your particular scenario, but the final result is top level menu items will be nicely spaced both in IE and in Firefox.

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript: script injected, but not executed

This was one weird mystery. I have used ASP.NET’s method ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript countless times to inject client-side JavaScript into page’s markup from the server-side code and it always worked perfectly. This time I created a very basic page from scratch:

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <title>My Page</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="script1.js" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="script2.js" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="script3.js" />
    <form id="xfrmMain" runat="server">

And then injected client-side script into it:

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType, "JSCode", "ProcessData();", True)

where ProcessData() is function from one of the scripts, loaded in the HEAD tag. The script injected just fine, I got a beautiful insert at the bottom of the rendered page:

<script type="text/javascript">

The problem was – it didn’d do squat – the script did not execute. Why? Continue reading →

How to load IFRAMEs in order according to priority

Let’s say you have a Web page that displays “widgets” a small islands of information. And internally those widgets are IFRAME elements, whose source is loaded dynamically from the same server at runtime in client side JavaScript. So, you have a code similar to this:

var aIframes = document.getElementsByTagName('IFRAME');
for (var I = 0; I < aIframes.length; I++) {
    aIframes[I].src = aIframes[I].getAttribute('originalURL')

This (oversimplified) code assumes that URL for IFRAME source already stored as a custom attribute ‘originalURL’ of IFRAME element (for example placed there by server-side code), but it can equally come from other sources. This approach is usually taken so IFRAMES can initially display a static page with “Please wait. Loading…” animation meanwhile dynamically loading real data – creates a better user experience.

The code loops thru all IFRAMEs setting their SRC attribute, displaying content, so you would see something like

IFRAME widgets

It’s all well and good, but there’s a small problem. SRC of IFRAMEs is assigned in order of their appearance on the page and if URLs are pointing to the same server and one of the earlier IFRAMEs takes a long time to load – it will block the rest of the IFRAMEs from loading. Continue reading →

WebHierarchicalDataGrid: Extra Row after Update

If after upgrading to a new version of Infragistics NetAdvantage you suddenly found your WHDG sprouting an extra blank row on top:

Extra Row in Aikido WHDG

most likely it’s because grid’s ItemCssClass property is used. In theory (at least according to ever so verbose documentation) it should define what grid’s cells look like. In practice it have no effect whatsoever. Or rather had no effect until upgrade (verified in version 2011.1, perhaps even earlier). Now if your CSS class used in this property contains HEIGHT attribute – a blank row of that height will be inserted on top of the grid.

Solution? Remove ItemCssClass property. It’s useless anyway.