Category Archives: Infragistics

Selectively change cell type in Infragistics UltraWebGrid

When you design columns for UltraWebGrid, one of the settings available to you is Column Type. For example you can set it to Button, and all cells within the column will render and behave as HTML buttons. Other options available such as Check Box or Hyperlink.

But what if you want some of the column cells to be of a different type? For example some of cells aren’t supposed to be links, but plain text instead? The solution is to set Column Type of those cell thru code. Consider following example:

Protected Sub xmyGrid_InitializeRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RowEventArgs) Handles xmyGrid.InitializeRow
    If e.Row.Index > 0 Then
        e.Row.Cells.FromKey("LINK_CELL).TargetURL = "" & e.Row.Cells.FromKey("LINK_ID)
        e.Row.Cells.FromKey("OBJ_NAME").Column.Type = ColumnType.NotSet
    End If
end sub

Above is a handler for UltraWebGrid’s InitializeRow event. It checks if a row is a first row in the grid and if so – sets its column type to “NotSet” effectively removing “Hyperlink” type set at design time. And even though it references type of entire column – the change applies only to the current cell.

Showing ALL filters in UltraWebGrid with paging

If you’re using Infragistics classic UltraWebGrid with LoadOnDemand not set and paging enabled, getting column filters to work can be tricky. By default clicking on Filter icon will display column data from current page only, ignoring other pages. To make it work you have to take matter in your own hands – populate filter data in code.

The best place to do it is in InitializeLayout event. There you can loop thru all the columns, calling function to populate column filters:

Protected Sub xMyGrid_InitializeLayout(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LayoutEventArgs) Handles xMyGrid.InitializeLayout
    For Each ugColumn As UltraGridColumn In e.Layout.Grid.Columns
End Sub

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UltraWebGrid in Infragistics 9 displays default column captions.

Recently I upgraded an ASP.NET project from ancient 6.3 version of Infragistics to current (at the moment) 9.2. Suddenly UltraWebGrid control began to display an unpleasant effect – columns that used to have no caption now showed what appeared to be default captions:

New look of UltraWebGrid

Looking at grid’s HTML markup I noticed that it set the caption to an empty string (showing code for one column):

<igtbl:UltraGridColumn HeaderText="">
   <Header Caption="">

Apparently it’s a new behavior in Infragistics 9.x to substitute empty captions with default column names. The solution is to set caption to a single space which, while invisible, is considered a real text caption and is not substituted by anything:

   <Header Caption=" ">

The result:

Correct look of UltraWebGrid

Correcting “Object Required” error in Infragistics “this._getContainer=function()” internal code

After upgrading to NetAdvantage 9.1 my UltraWebGrid which uses a WebCombo as editor control was starting to throw “Object Required” error inside of Infragistics own JavaScript code in function “_getContainer“. After a bit of experimenting I found out that the error does not happen if I click an existing cell that uses the WebCombo to show the dropdown prior to executing the action that would cause the error.

That lead me to believe that error happens because WebCombo is not initialized in some way and clicking the cell does that initialization. So I tried to simulate that behavior programmatically, by entering and immediately exiting cell edit mode:

// to prevent error - showing and hiding dropdown
var oCell = igtbl_getCellById(sCellId)

where sCellId – is ID of any existing cell that uses dropdown as an editor. And Bingo! the error went away. Also beginEdit/endEdit happen so fast, so even though technically they show and hide the dropdown – in reality nothing appears on the screen.

Using LINQ to bind flat data to Infragistics UltraWebTree

Often you have to operate with flattened data that in reality contains multiple levels of hierarchy. For example it can come as a result of several SQL JOIN statement and look like this:

In this example data consist of static root column, region, site, type and state. And the data has clearly defined hierarchy (e.g. Region “India” has site “Bangalore”, site “Bangalore” has types “Application” and “Area”, type “Application” has states “N/A” and “Testing”).

To load this data into Infragistics UltraWebTree I put together a small procedure: Continue reading →

UltraWebGrid in OutlookGroupBy Mode: How to display custom aggregates (SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX) in GroupBy row

Last year I described a way to display accurate row count when grid in OutlookGroupBy mode has multiple sub-groups.

That solution requires custom counting function. Fortunately to display aggregates such as SUM, AVG, MIN and MAX UltraWebGrid has a built-in functionality in form of GroupByRowDescriptionMaskDefault property of DisplayLayout. It specifies the string to be displayed in every GroupBy row and can include following substitutes:

  • [caption] – will display GroupBy column header text
  • [value] – will display common to the group cell value
  • [count] – will display row count (does not work correctly with sub-groups)
  • [avg], [sum], [min], [max] – will display the aggregate for the column it’s grouped by
  • [avg:ColumnKey], [sum:ColumnKey], [min:ColumnKey], [max:ColumnKey] – will display the aggregate for any other column, where ColumnKey is the key of the column

With this in mind in just a few simple steps we can make UltraWebGrid to display something like this:

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Internet Explorer renders incorrect HTML if UserAgent string is too long

I’ve encountered a strange problem: 2 identical client machines (WinXP/IE7) were connecting to a website (running on IIS6, ASP.NET 1.1 and employing some Infragistics controls – UltraWebGrid, WebTab, WebMenu). One machine showed a perfectly rendered page, while the other displayed page with missing images and styles and JavaScript functions behaved weirdly. Also, closer examination of HTML source of the page revealed that Infragistics controls rendered very different HTML between 2 machines. Mystery.

The only difference between 2 browsers I found was UserAgent string (For quick way to check your user agent go to Continue reading →

Infragistics UltraWebTab: Accessing Tab Separator in client-side JavaScript

I am using Infragistics UltraWebTab and needed to hide a tab and a tab separator located next to it using client-side JavaScript.  Hiding tab is pretty trivial. Assuming we gave it a key:

<igtab:Tab Key="MyTab" Text="My tab">

The code to hide the tab is:

var uwTabControl = igtab_getTabById('xuwMyTabControl');
var tab = uwTabControl.tabFromKey('MyTab');

I tried to access separator in the same way but it didn’t work. You can assign it a key, but “fromKey” method works only server-side for separators. Using client-side Tabs array of UltraWebTab didn’t work either – it contains only actual tabs, not separators. But turned out you can access the separator using a little DOM and HTML
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Injecting client script into Infragistics async postback

Often there is a need to add client-side Javascript to the ASP.NET page from server-side code. To perform additional manipulation on rendered controls (hide or disable), to show user an alert message – just a couple of examples. Standard ASP.NET approach is to use page’s client script manager’s  RegisterStartupScript method:

Me.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript (Type,  Key,  Script, AddScriptTags)


type: The type of the startup script to register.
key: The key of the startup script to register.
script: The startup script literal to register.
addScriptTags: A Boolean value indicating whether to add script tags.

For example:

Me.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript (Me.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Hello world!');", True)

But if you’re using Infragistics controls that offer async postbacks, like WARP panel or UltraWebTab – there is a problem with this approach.  Since the page doesn’t go through the full postback and doesn’t get destroyed and re-rendered from scratch – this method doesn’t work. Continue reading →

Infragistics WebDataMenu: Expanding context menu UP

Infragistics WebDataMenu is a light-weight highly responsive menu control with rich server and clinet side model. I was using it to display context menu on right mouse click.  The code is pretty simple:

function onMouseClick(oEvent) {
   if (oEvent.button == 2) { //right mouse button clicked
      var menu = $find("xwdmMyMenu");
      menu.showAt(null,null, oEvent);

It checks whether the right mouse button was clicked (line 2) then locates the menu object and shows it using showAt method (which accepts 3 parameters, either X and Y client coordinates, or event object from which it derives coordinates of the mouse click).

 It’s all well and good, but the problem is – menu always shows down from the location of the mouse click. And if the click is at the bottom of the screen – menu gets cut off:

I needed to make menu expand UP and  couldn’t find a build-in property or method that would change this behaviour (GroupSettings.ExpandDirection property had no effect). Time for a little hack. Continue reading →