Limitless LED offers full color RGBW light bulbs that you can control over Wi-Fi/4G from your computer, phone or smartwatch. They’re an inexpensive alternative to Philips Hue and they look really cool.
But I, being lazy ass that I am, was wondering if you can control the lights from Amazon Echo by voice commands alone. Out of the box Echo and Limitless LED don’t recognize each other. Amazon can see and control Hue, but not Limitless LED. Fortunately geniuses of BWS Systems came up with a really cool piece of software – home automation bridge “HA-Bridge”. It’s free and written in Java so it can run pretty much in any environment under any OS. What it does – it emulates Philips Hue API so other devices on your network – like Echo – can see and interact with it. Continue reading →
Tag Archives: style
Flicker-Free IFRAME refresh
One of our projects consists of single parent page and “widgets” that display secondary (classic ASPX webform) pages. A recent feature request was to auto-refresh widget information at given intervals. On the surface it was pretty straghtforward:
<iframe id="xIfrWidget0"></iframe>
var ifr = document.getElementById('xIfrWidget'); setInterval(function () { ifr.src = 'widget.aspx'; }, 2000)
The problem with this approach – there’s an ugly flicker of white between page refresh and the goal was to keep displaying current IFRAME content up until refreshed content is ready. Yes, there’re various AJAX-ified methods (including ASP.NET UpdatePanel) – but they add unnecessary overhead and may cause other issues.
The solution was suggested by this Stack Overflow post. The idea is to have secondary, hidden IFRAME into which perform actual load. Once load complete – switch IFRAMES – currently visible with old content becomes hidden, and hidden one with new content becomes visible. It goes something like this: Continue reading →
Infragistics WebDataMenu flashes unexpected color on hover
Infragistics WebDataMenu ASP.NET control comes both with predefined stylesets and allows you granularly overwrite any of the styles. For example definition like this
<ig:WebDataMenu ID="xmyMenu" runat="server" StyleSetName="Office2007Blue" CssClass ="topMenuStyle" > <GroupSettings Orientation="Horizontal" /> <ItemSettings CssClass="itemCssStyle" HoverCssClass="hoverCssStyle" SelectedCssClass="selectedCssStyle" /> </ig:WebDataMenu>
will create a horizontal dropdown menu in default “Office 2007 Blue” styleset but allows you to overwrite individual styles via exposed CSS properties.
Let’s take a look at hover style. Continue reading →

Pebble Steel: DIY (some assembly required)
Pebble Steel is a new flagship smartwatch of a widely successful kickstarter Pebble. It’s the latest craze and everybody wants one. Unfortunately the demand far outweighs the supply – it’s a well known problem. Pebble can’t manufacture enough new Steels in time, there’re many backorders, missed deadlines, a lot of frustrated, complaining customers.
But Pebble is not called genius for nothing. They found a brilliant solution, one they borrowed directly from the Apple, when the company was at its very humble beginning and was struggling as well. If you recall – original Apple 1 computer was sold as an electronic kit, that users had to put together themselves. This approach solved many problems for Apple back then and it will be very helpful for Pebble today.
Enter “Pebble Steel: Do it yourself” kit. The new Steel will ship as a collection of parts with detailed instructions on how to put them together. Since Pebble Steel doesn’t have to come fully assembled – that will seriously cut down manufacturing time and the product will ship to users much sooner. Cost saved on assembly labor will also be passed directly to customers – expect to see cheaper Steels soon. And since majority of Pebble users are computer/electronics geeks anyway, crowd that loves tinkering with their gadgets – assembling your very own Pebble Steel will come as an interesting and a welcome challenge and will make a proud owner even more proud.
How to make “scrollIntoView” apply to IFRAME only
Let’s say you have a really long HTML page with scrollbars, for the sake of argument something like this:
<div>aaaa</div> <div>aaaa</div> <div>aaaa</div> ...more content... <div id="xB">bbbb</div> <div>aaaa</div> <div>aaaa</div> <div>aaaa</div> ...much more content...
And somewhere, perhaps on pageload, you want to make sure that highlighted element is visible to the user, so to scroll it into view you execute
And it works fine and well – the needed element is automatically displayed on top of the page. But what if this page is in an IFRAME and the parent page has a large scrollable content of it’s own:
Continue reading →
Infragistics WebSplitter: Set SplitterBar’s CSS class in clinet-side JavaScript
Hello there. Haven’t written in a while, been busy participating in Stack Overflow community, but this little bit I found interesting.
Infragistics has a cool versatile Web Splitter control in their ASP.NET suite, but recently I encountered a shortcoming – there’s no way to set a CSS class for splitter bar on client-side via JavaScript. On server-side you can do something like
xMySplitter.SplitterBar.CssClass = "hiddenElement";
On client-side – you can get the CSS class via
var sCss = $find('xMySplitter').get_splitterBarCss()
but there’s no counterpart set_splitterBarCss()
method. Continue reading →
WebDataMenu: Use your own hover
Infragistics WebDataMenu comes with variety of styles and lets you specify your own. At a very basic it allows you to specify styles for normal menu items and hovered menu items:
<ig:WebDataMenu ID="xwdmMyMenu" runat="server"> <ItemSettings CssClass="MenuItem" HoverCssClass="MenuItemHover"/> </ig:WebDataMenu>
This markup can correspond to CSS classes, for example:
.MenuItem { background-image:none; background-color:white; } .MenuItemHover{ background-color:rgb(213,224,198); }
This works fine in most cases, but since the hover/unhover is done via JavaScript sometimes there’re issues. Continue reading →
Infragistics WebDataGrid: Hidden columns become visible after AJAX postback
A recent update to .NetAdvantage for ASP.NET v12.2 introduced a weird bug – hidden columns of WebDataGrid and WHDG become visible after postback. Service release 12.2.20122.2031 fixed that issue – but only for full postback. Under some circumstances if grid performs an AJAX call (sorting, paging etc.) hidden columns become visible again. This does not happen in IE, but other browsers, such as Chrome and FireFox do exhibit the issue.
This is happening because hidden columns lose “display:none” property in their style. If this happens to you – you have to take matter in your own hands. Continue reading →
WebDataTree: Use custom images for Expand/Collapse
Infragistics WebDataTree control offers variety of styles via supplied StyleSets and each StyleSet has its own Expand/Collapse images for tree branches. Unfortunately the control doesn’t offer built-in way to use your own expand/collapse images, to achieve that you need to replace respective images in the StyleSet currently used by the tree.
But if you’re reluctant to go this way for whatever reason (you’re using your own style or don’t want to change canonical Infragistics style) there’s another way – purely client-side JavaScript.
Note: The method below assumes that all the levels the tree are fully rendered on the client. If you’re employing load-on-demand, the method will require some adjustments.
Place the code below in Tree client-side Init
function xwdTree_Init(sender, eventArgs) { /// <summary> /// Fires when tree is initialized /// </summary> //{******* Replacing Expand/Collapse images in the tree with custom ones // Looping thru images in the tree itself var aTreeImages = sender.get_element().getElementsByTagName('img'); for (I = 0; I < aTreeImages.length; I++) { if (aTreeImages[I].src.indexOf('Plus') != -1) aTreeImages[I].src = 'images/my_expand.png' else if (aTreeImages[I].src.indexOf('Minus') != -1) aTreeImages[I].src = 'images/my_collapse.png' } // Looping thru images in hidden div used for replacement after click var aTreeActionImages = $get(sender.get_id() + '_Images').getElementsByTagName('img'); for (I = 0; I < aTreeActionImages.length; I++) { if (aTreeActionImages[I].src.indexOf('Plus') != -1) aTreeActionImages[I].src = 'images/my_expand.png' else if (aTreeActionImages[I].src.indexOf('Minus') != -1) aTreeActionImages[I].src = 'images/my_collapse.png' } //******* Replacing Expand/Collapse images in the tree with custom ones } }
Take a look at Lines 8-14. This code locates Tree control and its respective DOM element. Then it loops thru all the images inside. If it’s an “expand” image (has the word “plus” in its name) – we replace it with our custom expand image. If a tree node already rendered expanded – the code will locate “collapse” image (which has the word “minus” in its name).
This is all good and well for currently rendered nodes. But when you start expand and collapse nodes – images are replaced dynamically (“expand” becomes “collapse” when node is expanded and vice-versa) by Infragistics code. If you only execute code in Lines 8-14 and then expand or collapse tree nodes – your images will get replaced with Infragistics original ones from their secret repository.
Fortunately that secret repository is a plain hidden DIV with the ID “yourTreeID_Images”. Take a look at Lines 16-22. This code locates the DIV that holds replacement images and replaces them with our own similarly to Lines 8-14. After it ran, when Infragistics code needs to grab an image to replace expand/collapse one – it will get yours.
As a result Tree is rendered (both statically and dynamically) with your own beautiful images.
WHDG: Position “Group by” area anywhere on the page
WebHierarchicalDataGrid grouping feature offers handy “Group By” area – a place where columns can be dragged to for grouping. It has one limitation though: by default it can be positioned only on top or the bottom of the grid. But what if you want to place it elsewhere? For example you have a dedicated navigation part of your page where you want to display grouped columns.
DOM to the rescue. As I mentioned in my previous post Group By area is a DIV that can be located by its CSS class name (either assigned by you or, barring that, class of a StyleSet used by the grid control). After the area is located, it can be moved to a location of your choice, for example another DIV by standard appendChild
DOM method:
function positionGroupByArea() { var aGroupAreas = document.getElementsByClassName('ighg_Office2007BlueGroupArea'); var oDivActionControls = $get('xdivNavigation'); if (aGroupAreas.length > 1) { oDivActionControls.removeChild(aGroupAreas[0]); oDivActionControls.appendChild(aGroupAreas[1]) } else { oDivActionControls.appendChild(aGroupAreas[0]) } }
Lines 2-3 Locate Group By area and target DIV respectfully. Note Line 5: like nature abhors a vacuum – WHDG abhors Group By area missing from its default place, if it is missing – grid will try to recreate it. If this happens you will have 2 Group By areas. If code on Line 5 detects this situation it removes old area and re-adds new one. Otherwise it simple moves original area.
You will have to call this code on initial grid load and after every grid operation (sorting, paging etc.) since grid will try to recreate Group By at the old place. Also, if the grid feels jumpy during this move – hide Group By area initially via it’s CSS class by setting display:none
and make it visible again after the move.
Overall effect is quite seamless