Category Archives: Rant

The stuff worth ranting about

WebHierarchicalDataGrid: JavaScript errors after upgrade

Upgrading 3rd party library to a new version is bound to have problems and Infragistics is no exception. In my case I was upgrading NetAdvantage for ASP.NET from version 2009.2 to to 20011.1 and right away WebHierarchicalDataGrid started to crash client-side. If ScriptManager was in debug mode I’d get error:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ArgumentUndefinedException: Value cannot be undefined.Parameter name: type

With ScriptManager in Release mode it’d be:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected

But always in Sys.Component.Create – it looked like grid’s client-side scripts weren’t loading at all. After A LOT of digging I found out that the culprit was grid’s server-side Bands.Clear() method. When called, it caused client-side WHDG JavaScript not to load. When that method was commented – JavaScript errors disappeared. So until Infragistics comes out with a bug fix – if you experience similar problem, try to avoid Bands.Clear() method.

Solution for ASP.NET access to temporary folder denied error

Scenario: You’re trying to run an ASP.NET application when suddenly an error is thrown similar to this:

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: CS0016: Could not write to output file ‘c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\……..\………\some_code.dll’ — ‘Access is denied. ‘

You gave that folder all possible permissions imaginable and still the error persist. What the? Continue reading →

Solution for “OraOLEDB.Oracle Provider is not registered” error

While connecting from an ASP.NET application to an Oracle database via OLEDB I got following error:

OraOLEDB.Oracle Provider is not registered on the local machine

Now I know that the driver was installed and registered. I downloaded an official driver from Oracle WebSite. In my case it was 64-bit version for XCopy deployment. It installs in 2 easy steps:

  1. Unzip downloaded file into any folder
  2. Run (as administrator) command: INSTALL TYPE PATH NAME DEPENDANCIES


  • TYPE – type of installation (e.g. OLEDB, basic etc.)
  • Path – where you want driver installed
  • Name – Oracle home name
  • Dependencies – true/false whether to install dependencies (e.g. instant client)

So my command was

INSTALL ALL “C:\Program Files\Oracle64Driver” Oracle64Driver TRUE

Which copied the files and created correct Registry entries (I checked). And still I was getting the error. I Googled it (a lot) but majority of suggestions was that the error is due to Windows ACL and correct permissions should be set on the driver folder. Didn’t help me.

So I fired up trusted ProcessMonitor and it showed that W3WP.EXE (ASP.NET process) was trying to access missing OCI.DLL file in the path C:\Program Files\Oracle64Driver\Bin, e.g. in the Bin folder of the path were the driver was installed. Looking back at the place were I unzipped the original driver files I found that DLL inside of “instantclient” folder. So I copied entire content of that folder into Bin folder at the destination. And Voila! The error disappeared.

Apparently Instant Client files aren’t copied by the installer even when Dependencies option is set to true.

Solution for WordPress CURL IPv6 error “Network is unreachable”

I am using FeedWordPress plugin on some of my sites to pull data from Google News RSS feeds. It was working fine, but after I moved to a new host, I started to get errors like:

Failed to connect to 2a00:1450:8006::63: Network is unreachable

Note the IPv6. Google have been supporting it for a while and resolves to IPv6 first (similar error happens in WordPress admin dashboard in “Incoming Links” section). Unfortunately network of my new host didn’t support IPv6, so I had to find solution to force WordPress to use IPv4. Enter class-http.php. Continue reading →

Changing hosting. Again

Two years ago I switched to BlueHost. For a while it’s been a beautiful run, but lately the service has become horrible. Constant downtimes, and when sites were up they we unbelievable slow. So after a couple of MySQL DBs export/imports, after moving DNS hosting to my registrar GKG.NET – it’s:

Goodbye BlueHost, Hello Feral Hosting.

Infragistics WebDataMenu CSOM addItem/removeItem workaround

Infragistics Aikido WebDataMenu control has extensive (albeit poorly documented) client-side library of classes, method and properties. 2 methods addItem and removeItem supposedly allow you to add/remove menu items in JavaScript. These methods have been public since 9.2 release probably even earlier, but have a lot of drawbacks, one of the major ones – for every method call an AJAX call to server is made, which slows performance dramatically, breaks code flow and won’t let you set properties of newly added item.

Method described below is a bit of a hack, but it works purely client-side, no slow round trips, no waiting for AJAX call to return and you have full control of all menu items. Continue reading →

Comcast Sucks.

Yes I know, it has been said before number of times. I personally had a misfortune to have them as my provider, so I had a close encounter with the quality of their service.

But today they broke their own record in stupidity. A company I work for suddenly lost internet connection. Turned out they disconnected our service for non-payment! They say they had send a paper bill via snail mail. We never received the bill. So, instead of calling us asking what happened, instead of emailing us (we live in the 21st century for Cochrane sake!) they simply pulled the plug. On a business, causing numerous interruptions and LOB.

Good thing Droid phones allow tethering and some of us were saved by Verizon 3G. I think it’s time for FIOS

WebHierarchicalDataGrid: Not ready for prime-time

I had high hopes for Infragistics Web Hierarchical Data Grid control. Especially in NetAdvantage 10.3 release (current as of this post). Control from Aikido Framework, build on AJAX from ground up, lightweight and fast – I was really excited.

Unfortunately it didn’t turned out exactly as I expected.

First – WHDG cannot bind to a flat ADO.NET data table. Why, you ask, I need to bind flat data to an hierarchical control? Well, it’s the only grid in Aikido that supports OutlookGroupBy mode and I need to be able to group my flat data. But attempt to bind WHDG to DataTable throws an enigmatic InvalidOperationException without giving any clue as why. There’s a workaround – to create a dummy DataSet, add the table to it and bind control to the dataset – but that’s just silly. And that’s not the worst of it. Continue reading →

LightGray in IE6

IE6 just won’t die. I know, continue to support it is a bad idea, but unfortunately many developers have no choice, some environments, especially corporate intranet will continue to use it until second coming (and then Safari will rule the world).

So, here is a small tip: If you need to use a named color from CSS3+ specification that old tired browser doesn’t understand – just use color’s hex equivalent instead. For example instead of

style="border: solid 1px LightGray;"

which will do nothing in IE6 use

style="border: solid 1px #d3d3d3;"

which will render nice light-gray border.