Category Archives: Rant

The stuff worth ranting about

iOS is ported to Kindle Fire!

Apple iOS running on Amazon Kindle Fire
Those coding wizards from XDJ-Developers have done it again! After years of supplying us with huge amounts of amazing custom ROMs for even huger amount of Android devices they performed yet another miracle which is akin to splitting the atom, since it separates what was formerly considered inseparable: Apple hardware and software.

They ported iOS to Kindle Fire.

Don’t expect it to be the latest version though (iOS 6 as of time of this post) for that you will have to wait couple hours. For now be content with 5.1 – it’s well worth it. iOS 5.1 runs very smoothly on Kindle Fire, in tests pretty much everything lives up to high standards we used to expect from Apple, just about only app that wouldn’t run is Fruit Slice, I can’t imagine why.

Being an early beta build, it still has a few quirks. For example sometimes, if you launch iTunes, you end up in Amazon MP3 Store and on very rare occasions in some place called “Tower Records” (must be phantom growing pains) but XDJ-Developers are hard at work to eradicate those.

So rejoice closet Apple fans! No longer you have to pretend to like cupcakes, donuts, eclairs, froyo, gingerbread, honeycombs, ice cream sandwiches and the rest of those high calory desserts. Time for a healthy diet of fruit!

D-Link DIR-655: How to make 1.35 firmware upgrade stick

If you’re trying to upgrade your D-Link DIR-655 Extreme-N Gigabit Wireless Router to the latest firmware (1.35NA US version as of this post), you may encounter a weird problem: firmware uploads without errors, router says it is being reprogrammed, but after reboot old version is displayed.

To solve it – try following these steps

  1. Save your current settings (Tools -> System -> Save Configuration) – you should do it prior any update anyway
  2. This what does the trick: On the same screen click “Restore Factory Default” – this will restore router default settings (one more reason why it’s important to do the update over wired connection)
  3. Flash your firmware
  4. Restore setting saved in Step 1 and reboot the router
  5. Profit! You’re now on the latest firmware

CyanogenMod on Kindle Fire

CyanogenMod on Kindle Fire Lately I’ve been posting a lot about Kindle Fire and no wonder – I love this tablet and tweaking with it.

Today I went to tweaking extreme – installed a custom ROM, namely CyanogenMod. CyanogenMod is famous for being a better replacement ROM for a wide multitude of Android devices from Droid phones to Nook tablets. And finally it made its way to Kindle Fire. Installing it turned out to be surprisingly easy – first, using Kindle Fire Utility root your Fire and install TWRP Recovery – very useful instrument not only for installing new ROMs but also for backing up and restoring your existing one in case something goes wrong. Second, download latest CyanogenMod in form of “” and place into temp/download folder of your Fire. And lastly reboot into TWRP recovery, browse for the ZIP and install it.

CyanogenMod didn’t let down, it was perfect as usual – fast, highly customizable, this one specifically build for Fire with its lack of hardware buttons. It has many wonderful features (for example picture in this post is, unlike previous posts, is a direct screenshot from my Fire, “take a screenshot” is one of the options appearing in menu when you press and hold power button).

It has everything. The only drawback for me is, for the love of it, I couldn’t make Amazon Instant Video app work in this mod. The issue is widely discussed on the Interwebs, multiple possible solutions are offered, but none worked for me. And since Prime Instant Videos is the only original Fire feature that I use – I had to return back to rooted stock Amazon ROM with ADW launcher (thanks TWRP for making ROM backup and recovery a very simple experience). Until working version of Amazon Instant Video is bundled with Cyanogen – I am keeping the stock.
Continue reading →

UltraWebMenu: When background doesn’t change on hover in IE9

If you tried to use Infragistics classic UltraWebMenu control in IE9 you may experience issue (even in the latest version, 11.2 at the time of this post) whereby menu items don’t change background on mouse hover even though background is specified in menu’s HoverItemStyle property.

The solution is specify BorderStyle in HoverItemStyle. It can be any value besides NotSet, but the actual attribute has to be there. So for example if you want your hover style to have no borders and your original style looks like:


change it to


I don’t know why border style affects showing of the background, but there you have it. Adding BorderStyle to HoverItemStyle will enable displaying of background color on hover.

UltraWebGrid bug: Row is selected on mouse move

Submitted for your approval an UltraWebGrid with CellClickActionDefault=”RowSelect” and SelectTypeRowDefault=”Single” – an ordinary down-to-earth grid. It also posses event handler AfterSelectChangeHandler, also nothing out of the ordinary. But in a minute the aforementioned grid will exhibit properties most unusual. As the alert message ahead reads: Infragistics Bug Continue reading →

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript: script injected, but not executed

This was one weird mystery. I have used ASP.NET’s method ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript countless times to inject client-side JavaScript into page’s markup from the server-side code and it always worked perfectly. This time I created a very basic page from scratch:

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <title>My Page</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="script1.js" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="script2.js" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="script3.js" />
    <form id="xfrmMain" runat="server">

And then injected client-side script into it:

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType, "JSCode", "ProcessData();", True)

where ProcessData() is function from one of the scripts, loaded in the HEAD tag. The script injected just fine, I got a beautiful insert at the bottom of the rendered page:

<script type="text/javascript">

The problem was – it didn’d do squat – the script did not execute. Why? Continue reading →

WHDG: RowIslandsPopulating event fires multiple times

I’ve been successfully using manual load on demand in WebHierarchicalDataGrid for a while now, but recently noticed strange thing. The deeper in grid’s hierarchy I expanded the children – the slower it went.

In my case every time user clicks [+] to expand a row, VB.NET code calls an SQL Server Stored procedure to bring in child rows. I grew suspicious and fired up SQL Profiler. What I saw surprised me. Number of calls to the stored procedure increased the deeper in grid’s hierarchy I expanded the children. When I clicked [+] on the root level it resulted in 1 SP call. Clicking [+] on the child to expand grandchild – 2 calls. Expanding grandchild to see grand-grandchild rows – 3 calls, etc. Continue reading →

WebHierarchicalDataGrid: Extra Row after Update

If after upgrading to a new version of Infragistics NetAdvantage you suddenly found your WHDG sprouting an extra blank row on top:

Extra Row in Aikido WHDG

most likely it’s because grid’s ItemCssClass property is used. In theory (at least according to ever so verbose documentation) it should define what grid’s cells look like. In practice it have no effect whatsoever. Or rather had no effect until upgrade (verified in version 2011.1, perhaps even earlier). Now if your CSS class used in this property contains HEIGHT attribute – a blank row of that height will be inserted on top of the grid.

Solution? Remove ItemCssClass property. It’s useless anyway.

WebDataMenu: Incorrect displaying after upgrade

This is the second post in saga titled Upgrading Infragistics Controls to a new version. Chances are that your WebDataMenu looks weird after upgrade to 2010+ version. In my case the menu had following options/features:

  • It was a context popup menu, called on right mouse click
  • Text of menu items was assigned dynamically at runtime in JavaScript Client code

After upgrading NetAdvantage from version 2009.2 to 2011.1 strange things started to happen. Text of the menu items was cut short, submenues appeared at wrong places it looked like something from a Dali’s painting.
Numerous experiments later I found out that the problem was with EnableScrolling property of the menu control. Setting it to False returned menu to realm of realism.