Category Archives: ASP.NET

Solution for UltraWebGrid missing scrollbars

I was working with classic Infragistics UltraWebGrid when noticed strange thing – even though scrollbars were enabled for the grid, the grid had fixed size and number of rows was bigger than the grid could display – no scrollbars appeared. For me it was a combination of grid being shown in a modal dialog in IE7 browser, but it could happen in other scenarios.

I also noticed when grid experienced any kind of user interaction (row added, row selected, checkbox cell checked etc.) scrollbars would magically appear. So the solution? Simulate user interaction. For example this code can be included in grid’s client-side InitializeLayout event:

function xMyGrid_InitializeLayout() {
    var oGrid = igtbl_getGridById('xMyGrid')

What happens here is first row of the grid is selected and an instant later unselected. It happens so fast that there’s no visual indication. But the grid gets its “user interaction” and scrollbars appear.

Solution for WordPress CURL IPv6 error “Network is unreachable”

I am using FeedWordPress plugin on some of my sites to pull data from Google News RSS feeds. It was working fine, but after I moved to a new host, I started to get errors like:

Failed to connect to 2a00:1450:8006::63: Network is unreachable

Note the IPv6. Google have been supporting it for a while and resolves to IPv6 first (similar error happens in WordPress admin dashboard in “Incoming Links” section). Unfortunately network of my new host didn’t support IPv6, so I had to find solution to force WordPress to use IPv4. Enter class-http.php. Continue reading →

Server-side “PageIndexChanging” event in UltraWebGrid

When Infragistics UltraWebGrid is not in LoadOnDemand mode, you need to rebind the grid to the data source in PageIndexChanged event for paging to work. What’s neat – before the rebind, grid is still on the old page, effectively giving you “BeforePageIndexChanged” or “PageIndexChanging” event in server-side code:

Protected Sub xuwgGrid_PageIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As UltraWebGrid.PageEventArgs) Handles xuwgGrid.PageIndexChanged

   'Page hasn't changed yet, collect data from the old page
   'Or cancel the rebind and remain on the old page

   'rebinding the grid to the datasource

   'New page is in effect

End Sub

Affecting page during WebDataGrid AJAX calls

When Infragistics WebDataGrid perform AJAX operations such as sorting and paging – it sends grid data directly to page’s DOM. But it also allows you to send your own custom data via server-side GridResponse object and its client-side counterpart. This feature allows you to establish effective link between server and client to perform custom operations otherwise available only during full postback or partial postback via update panel. There’re multiple cases where this can be used, let’s take a look at 3 most common:

  • Updating a related control with server-side generated data
  • Running a server-side generated JavaScript
  • Handling server-side errors, for example Session timeout

Continue reading →

SSRS: How to implement build-in parameter based on external parameter passed from ReportViewer

Imagine following scenario: an SSRS report has a dropdown list “lookup” parameter based on a stored procedure. When report runs, user selects a value from the dropdown, clicks “View Report” and report is generated. The challenge is – the “lookup” parameter (and underlying stored procedure) needed to be filtered by another “filter” parameter – and this one is not available in SSRS interface, but instead is passed from ReportViewer control from an ASP.NET application.

In order to successfully implement this use case 2 items need to be addressed:

First in the report itself parameters need to be ordered in such way so “filter” comes before “dropdown”. Parameters can easily be arranged in Business Intelligent Development Studio, by expanding Parameters node, selecting a parameter, and using arrow buttons in Report Data menu.

Second in the ASP.NET application, configuring ReportViewer control (setting credentials, server URL, report path and our “filter” parameter) needs to be done in Page_Init event in the “If Not IsPostback” block.

Implementing getNextRow in WebDataGrid

UltraWebGrid had a very convenient getNextRow() client-side function which returns next row in row collection. WebDataGrid does not have an analog, but it’s pretty easy to recreate the functionality:

function getNextRow(i_oRow) {
      var iRowIndex = i_oRow.get_index();
      var aRows = i_oRow.get_grid().get_rows();

      return aRows.get_row(iRowIndex + 1)

This function accept grid row as a parameter, gets the row’s index and return row with incremented index from grid row’s collection.

Solution for ‘previousSibling’ is null or not an object error in grouped UltraWebGrid

Infragistics UltraWebGrid offers standard keyboard navigation for record selection. For example you can click a row, and holding Shift key press Down Arrow to select multiple records. This works fine for a flat grid, but try this with grid in OutlookGroupBy mode and you’ll get an error ‘previousSibling’ is null or not an object:

Error selecting records in grouped UltraWebGrid

After some digging I found the culprit. Continue reading →

Infragistics supports good old traditional values

Good news everybody, according to Infragistics product Roadmap, upcoming NetAdvantage 2011 Release will support Windows 3.0/3.1

Infragistics on Windows 3.1

Finally cries of countless developers who code on Intel 386 machines with 16Mb of RAM have been answered. There’s no more need to look with envy at those fancy 32bit OS-es – things like charts, gauges and grids (pictured below is a Windows 3.1 implementation of WebDataGrid with running totals and custom slider control) are available to everybody.

Infragistics WebDataGrid on Windows 3.1

Infragistics is known for innovations and being on the cutting edge. Kudos for not forgetting what got us there.

WebHierarchicalDataGrid: Locate cell by column name

If you need to get/set value of a specific cell in WHDG Row (which is of GridRecord or ContainerGridRecord type) the only way to do it is by Cell index e.g.

Protected Sub xMyGrid_InitializeRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridControls.RowEventArgs) Handles xMyGrid.InitializeRow
   e.Row.Items(15).Value = 42
End Sub

But what if you don’t know cell/column index and only column name is known? Then the trick is to find the index first. Consider following code:

Protected Sub xMyGrid_InitializeRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridControls.RowEventArgs) Handles xMyGrid.InitializeRow

   Dim oParent as GridControls.ContainerGrid = e.Row.Items.Grid
   Dim iColIndex as Integer

   if oParent.Columns("MY_COLUMN_NAME") IsNot Nothing
      iColIndex = oParent.Columns("MY_COLUMN_NAME").Index
      e.Row.Items(iColIndex).Value = 42
   End If

End Sub

It’s pretty straightforward, first you locate grid to which the row belongs, then locate column in that grid by name and get index of that column and finally locate cell in the row by that index. This method will work at any depth in the WHDG hierarchy.

Making HoverCssClass work in WebDataTree

Infragistics WebDataTree control offers extensive support of CSS for tree styling. One of the options HoverCssClass is intended to alter tree node appearance when mouse pointer hovers over it:

HoverCssClass properting in Infragistics WebDataTree

Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to have any effect on the tree appearance. When I set that class to simple underline node:

.fnTreeHover {text-decoration:underline}

nothing happened. I found the workaround when I noticed that the tree is rendered as an ancor tag <A> inside of <LI> tag:

WebDataGrid rendered in HTML

The solution is to apply style to this combination:

LI A:hover {text-decoration:underline}

Bingo. Now tree nodes are underlying when mouse is over them.