Tag Archives: solution

Solution for “Could not load type System.Web.UI.ScriptReferenceBase from System.Web.Extensions” error

If your ASP.NET application worked fine in your Development environment, but after deploying it to staging or production crashes with error:

Could not load type System.Web.UI.ScriptReferenceBase from System.Web.Extensions

most likely it was compiled against .NET 3.5 SP1 but the target machine has original .NET 3.5 framework without SP1. The solution is download Service Pack 1 and install it on target server. Another possibility – compile the project against original .NET 3.5 framework.

WordPress MU: Delete Empty Posts

Sometimes I bring information to a couple of my other WordPress blogs via RSS feed. It’s a nice feature, allowing you to create several posts at once without manual entry. Unfortunately if RSS feed is broken or improperly formatted it can result in blank posts imported into the blog.

I was looking for a WordPress plugin that would allow me to mass-delete empty posts, but apparently none exist. You can delete posts based on date, tags, category, but not the content. Fortunately if you have access to phpMyAdmin of your MySQL installation – there is a solution. Continue reading →

IE Modal Dialog and ASP.NET PostBack solution

Internet Explorer has a well known proprietary modal dialog window that can be opened using showModalDialog DOM command. While it is not a good idea to use browser-specific functionality, for many it’s a convenient way to display a modal window and return result back to the parent.

Modal Dialog is designed to display data, accept user input and close window, returning the input back to the parent. It is not meant for postbacks, if you try initiating postback in Modal Dialog, all kinds of weird stuff could happen – from opening postback in a new window to JavaScript errors.

But there is an easy fix for that. If you include following line:

<base target="_self"></base>

inside of your page header in HTML source, e.g.:

    <title>My Page</title>
    <base target="_self"></base>

modal dialog will be able to successfully postback to itself.

UltraWebGrid in OutlookGroupBy Mode: How to display custom aggregates (SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX) in GroupBy row

Last year I described a way to display accurate row count when grid in OutlookGroupBy mode has multiple sub-groups.

That solution requires custom counting function. Fortunately to display aggregates such as SUM, AVG, MIN and MAX UltraWebGrid has a built-in functionality in form of GroupByRowDescriptionMaskDefault property of DisplayLayout. It specifies the string to be displayed in every GroupBy row and can include following substitutes:

  • [caption] – will display GroupBy column header text
  • [value] – will display common to the group cell value
  • [count] – will display row count (does not work correctly with sub-groups)
  • [avg], [sum], [min], [max] – will display the aggregate for the column it’s grouped by
  • [avg:ColumnKey], [sum:ColumnKey], [min:ColumnKey], [max:ColumnKey] – will display the aggregate for any other column, where ColumnKey is the key of the column

With this in mind in just a few simple steps we can make UltraWebGrid to display something like this:

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Internet Explorer renders incorrect HTML if UserAgent string is too long

I’ve encountered a strange problem: 2 identical client machines (WinXP/IE7) were connecting to a website (running on IIS6, ASP.NET 1.1 and employing some Infragistics controls – UltraWebGrid, WebTab, WebMenu). One machine showed a perfectly rendered page, while the other displayed page with missing images and styles and JavaScript functions behaved weirdly. Also, closer examination of HTML source of the page revealed that Infragistics controls rendered very different HTML between 2 machines. Mystery.

The only difference between 2 browsers I found was UserAgent string (For quick way to check your user agent go to http://whatsmyuseragent.com/). Continue reading →

View real HTML source of a page

All browsers support “View page source” feature. But what it displays is source of the page as it was originally rendered by the server. In today’s Web 2.0 world page content can change a thousand times after that. Client-side script, user input, AJAX calls can contribute to page update.

But one line of JavaScript code can show you a real up-to date page source. Type following in your browser address bar:

javascript:void prompt('HTML Source',document.documentElement.innerHTML)

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Javascript: Keeping popup window always on top

I was looking for a solution  (that does not involve proprietary modal dialogs) that would allow to open a popup window in JavaScript and keep it “always on top” of the opener, meaning – when user clicks outside of the popup – the popup retakes focus.
Commonly suggested solution:

<body onblur="this.focus()">

didn’t work for me since I have a form in that popup with input fields and the moment user clicks a field, popup itself loses focus, retakes it right away and user is unable to enter any data.
Fortunately I found an ingenious solution by Jim Allen that involves combination of timer-activated focus that in the same time is controlled by form’s input controls. That sounds complicated 🙂 but in fact is just a few lines of code. Check it out!