Tag Archives: trick

Speed up UltraWebGrid with direct DOM access

Infragistics UltraWebGrid offers rich client-side programming model, but often it can be extremally slow. As an example consider a simple task: Given a particular Row ID hide the rest of the grid rows, keeping only this row visible.

Using UltraWebGrid’s CSOM (Client Side Object Model) JavaScript code looks like this:

var oGrid = igtbl_getGridById('xMyGrid');    // Get reference to grid object

for (var sRowID in oGrid.Rows) {   // Looping thru all rows in grid's rows collection

   if (sRowID != sSelectedRowID) {   // If current row ID is not given ID
      igtbl_getRowById(sRowID).setHidden(true) // Get reference to row and hide it


The code works – it really does. But to loop thru 50 rows in this manner can take 10-15 seconds, not something your user will be happy about when instant action is expected. Continue reading →

Style IFRAME scrollbars in IE

Internet Explorer offer CSS elements to style scrollbars, for example class

   scrollbar-face-color: #f0f0f0;
   scrollbar-shadow-color: silver;
   scrollbar-highlight-color: silver;
   scrollbar-3dlight-color: #f0f0f0;
   scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #f0f0f0; 
   scrollbar-track-color: #f0f0f0;
   scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000;

applied to a DOM element will render nice flat scrollbars:

Flat Scrollbars in Internet Explorer

Yes, it’s not standard CSS, but other browsers offer similar extensions (WebKit, I am looking at you). So, it works nice and well, but what if you want to style scrollbars of an IFRAME? Continue reading →

Correctly apply external styles to UltraWebGrid

Classic Infragistics UltraWebGrid allows you to programmaticaly specify CSS styles for its various elements. For example code like this:

xmyGrid.DisplayLayout.HeaderStyleDefault.CssClass = "HeaderStyle"
xmyGrid.DisplayLayout.RowStyleDefault.CssClass = "RowStyle"

Would set style of grid header and rows via external CSS class. You would expect that simple defining classes like this:

.HeaderStyle {  /* style definition goes here */ }
.RowStyle {  /* style definition goes here */ }

should do the trick, but you may experience some unwanted, erratic behavior: styles getting lost, styles getting mixed up (row would get a header style and vise versa).

To fix this we should let grid know that header style should apply only to header row (THEAD/TH HTML elements) and row style applies only to rows with data (TBODY/TD elements). This is done via slight adjustments of the above CSS to point it to specific elements:

THEAD.HeaderStyle TR TH{  /* style definition goes here */ }
TBODY.RowStyle TR TD {  /* style definition goes here */ }

This way there’s no confusion, styles apply exactly were they belong. Also you may need to set grids MergeStyles property to False and make each class fully define it’s element (including fonts, colors, backgrounds etc.)

UltraWebGrid TopItemSpacing=”Auto”: Solution for FireFox

If you’re still using classic Infragistics Controls and want to make them work in modern browsers, sometimes a little additional work is required. Hopefully this little trick will save you some time.

UltraWebGrid has a neat property TopItemSpacing, when set to Auto it automatically spreads top level menu items across the menu control, giving them nice spacing in between. Unfortunately this property seems to work in Internet Explorer only, in Firefox (and Chrome and etc.) it is ignored, rendering menu in Compact mode giving top level items crowded “too-close-for-comfort” look.

The solution is to take spacing in our own hands. Set TopItemSpacing to Compact and instead add right padding to TopLevelParentItemStyle and TopLevelLeafItemStyle elements of the menu. For example (from the markup point of view):

<TopLevelLeafItemStyle Cursor="Hand" Height="18px" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Size="8pt">
   <Padding Right="6px" />

Actual pixel value of the padding is up to your particular scenario, but the final result is top level menu items will be nicely spaced both in IE and in Firefox.

Server-side “PageIndexChanging” event in UltraWebGrid

When Infragistics UltraWebGrid is not in LoadOnDemand mode, you need to rebind the grid to the data source in PageIndexChanged event for paging to work. What’s neat – before the rebind, grid is still on the old page, effectively giving you “BeforePageIndexChanged” or “PageIndexChanging” event in server-side code:

Protected Sub xuwgGrid_PageIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As UltraWebGrid.PageEventArgs) Handles xuwgGrid.PageIndexChanged

   'Page hasn't changed yet, collect data from the old page
   'Or cancel the rebind and remain on the old page

   'rebinding the grid to the datasource

   'New page is in effect

End Sub

UltraWebGrid: Set filter icon when manually handling RowFilterApplying event

If you’re using Infragistics UltraWebGrid and manually handling grid’s RowFilterApplying event by doing your own filtering/querying and then canceling the event by setting parameter e.Cancel = True, one of the side-effects is that column filter icon never changes to “applied” image.

To work around this limitation you need to change the image yourself. This involves 2 steps:

1st step – In the server side, code in RowFilterApplying event handler loops thru filtered columns, getting column index, filtered state and calling a JavaScript function that would actually set the image:

Protected Sub xmyGrid_RowFilterApplying(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As UltraWebGrid.FilterEventArgs) Handles xmyGrid.RowFilterApplying

    ' ... Your own filtering/querying code

    Dim xGrid As UltraWebGrid = sender

    For Each oFilter As ColumnFilter In xGrid.Rows.ColumnFilters
         If oFilter.FilterConditions.Count = 0 OrElse oFilter.FilterConditions(0).ComparisonOperator = FilterComparisionOperator.All Then
            RunJavascript(Me, "setFilterIcon(" & oFilter.Column.Index & ", 'MyImages/ig_tblFilter.gif');")
            RunJavascript(Me, "setFilterIcon(" & oFilter.Column.Index & ", 'MyImages/ig_tblFilterApplied.gif');")
         End If

    e.Cancel = True

End Sub

During the loop code double checks if filter is applied to current column and if so passes URL of “applied” filter image to the JavaScript function – in this case “MyImages/ig_tblFilterApplied.gif”. Otherwise URL of “empty” filter is passed – in this case “MyImages/ig_tblFilter.gif”. To generate JavaScript call from ASP.NET code I am using RunJavascript function which works correctly both on normal postback and Infragistics partial postback (read WARP panel).

2nd step – And here’s JavaScript function that sets the image:

// Set's filter icon of the specifiec column
function setFilterIcon(i_iColumnIndex, i_sFilterImageURL) {
    var sThId = igtbl_getGridById('xmyGrid').Bands[0].Columns[i_iColumnIndex].Element.id; 
    document.getElementById(sThId).firstChild.lastChild.src = i_sFilterImageURL

Using passed in column index, code locates column object and its DOM “TH” element (note: You have to get an ID of the element first, and then locate element by calling document.getElementById, using Column.Element for some reason returns an empty TH tag). Once element is located, code locates filter image inside and sets its source to passed image URL

WebDataGrid: Custom drag and drop columns when Colum Moving behavior is enabled

Infragistics Aikido WebDataGrid offers a nice built-in ColumnMoving behavior. When enabled – it allows user to drag columns to change their order:

WebDataGrid with ColumnMoving behavior enabled

But what if you want to keep this behavior and add your own custom column drag-and-drop? For example to create your own column grouping, since WebHierarchicalDataGrid doesn’t handle grouping well.

In this post I will describe a simple technique how to both keep behavior shown above and implement custom column drag-and-drop:

WebDataGrid with custom column drag-and-drop
Continue reading →

Locate exact match using UltraWebGrid’s client-side “.find()” method

Infragistics UltraWebGrid offers extensive client-side Object model and objects at several level of hierarchy offer “.find” method to locate cell with specific data. For example to locate a cell with specific text in a specific column – following code can be used:

//Find cell in first grid column with text "67" 
var oGrid = igtbl_getGridById('xmyGrid')
var iLookUpValue = '67'
var oFoundCell =  oGrid.Bands[0].Columns[0].find(iLookUpValue, false)

This works, but unfortunately the “.find” method searches for cell’s text instead of value, thus finding any partial match. In the example above cells with values 567, 671 etc. will be found which is no good in many cases, for example when you’re looking for a numeric ID.

Fortunately the “.find” method accepts regular expression as a search parameter. The solution is to apply “^…$” RegEx expression to perform exact match. So if we change the last line in the code above to:

var oFoundCell =  oGrid.Bands[0].Columns[0].find('^' + iLookUpValue + '$', false)

only exact match will be searched for.

Ultrawebgrid: Highlight row on MouseOver with Selection enabled

A while back I posted a method to highlight rows on mouse over in Infragistics UltraWebGrid. Over the time turned out that it had several limitations the main being: if you enable additional styling for some elements of the grid, they’re not preserved after mouse-over/mouse-out events. For example if you set a SelectedRowStyleDefault property with a different background and then move mouse over a selected row – that style will be removed.

So, here’s a complete solution to work around that limitation: Continue reading →

LightGray in IE6

IE6 just won’t die. I know, continue to support it is a bad idea, but unfortunately many developers have no choice, some environments, especially corporate intranet will continue to use it until second coming (and then Safari will rule the world).

So, here is a small tip: If you need to use a named color from CSS3+ specification that old tired browser doesn’t understand – just use color’s hex equivalent instead. For example instead of

style="border: solid 1px LightGray;"

which will do nothing in IE6 use

style="border: solid 1px #d3d3d3;"

which will render nice light-gray border.